Milk: A Must-Have for Skin Hydration

Milk: A Must-Have for Skin Hydration We’ve known about milk’s cosmetic benefits for thousands of years. For example, it’s said that in Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra bathed in donkey’s milk to preserve her skin’s youthful appearance. In that, she is joined by Josefina (wife of the French emperor Napoleon), whose skin was considered among the most…

Avena Lotions and Creams: the Hydration Your Skin Needs

Avena Lotions and Creams: the Hydration Your Skin Needs It’s no secret: oatmeal offers many benefits, and it’s often listed as the first ingredient in skincare products. That’s because oats offer a number of nutrients (manganese, biotin, vitamin B1, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus, copper, chromium, zinc, protein, lipids, saponin, flavonoids, beta-glucan, and various enzymes) that work…

Hydrating Your Baby’s Skin

Hydrating Your Baby’s Skin Your baby’s skin is delicate and more vulnerable than adult skin. This means a newborn’s skin requires special attention, and hydration is key.   However, it isn’t necessary to apply daily hydrating products. Babies are usually born covered in fluids, which have protective properties for the skin. Healthy newborn skin is…